Current Focus & Activities
Equity in School Resources / Expenses / Legislation / Rules
Seek equity in K-12 Foundation / ISD Sec. 81 / Categoricals
Utilize findings of recent adequacy studies to develop broad-based funding solutions
Convey to legislators and others the equity burden of all legislation, rules, and procedures
Maintain Integrity of School Aid Fund Revenues
End the practice of diverting School Aid Fund resources to fund community colleges and universities
Resist efforts to support private/parochial schools with public education dollars
School Infrastructure Funding
Promote state support of school infrastructure funding
Expand allowable uses of district sinking funds
MPSERS Reforms
Maintain cap on districts' MPSERS contribution rate
Protect pension and health care of retirees
Address stranded costs created through privatization and charters
Activity Highlights
Legislative Focus
Advocate for adequate, equitable educational opportunities through a revised funding system
Develop a cohesive, comprehensive educational system in Michigan
Return the use of the School Aid Fund to its original constitutional purpose: supporting K-12 public schools
Eliminate unfunded mandates, onerous reporting requirements, and the practice of funding through competitive grants
Help develop legislation regarding school infrastructure funding
Analytical Publications
Revenue Estimating Conference
School operational funding
School facility funding
State school aid revenue sources and expenditures
Charter and cyber schools impact
School resources vs. student achievement
Monthly Caucus Newsletter
Caucus Alerts
Contacts to legislators and others
promoting educational issues
ESA Legislative Group
MASA, MASB, and other educational organizations
K-12/ISD superintendents
Governmental agencies
Superintendent regional meetings
County School Board Association meetings
State conferences
State Board of Education
House/Senate Appropriations