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Inform and educate legislators and other groups of the need to end the inequities inherent in our current system, creating equitable educational opportunities for all students no matter where they live in the state.  To do so, we must:


  • Use the adequacy studies to continue working toward a new, more equitable school funding structure in Michigan. 

  • This structure must provide for additional ongoing revenues that will properly fund equitable educational opportunity, including for at-risk, CTE, ELL, special education (at 100% of actual costs), infrastructure, transportation, equitable internet access, access to community college, and other needs. 

  • This revised funding program must include state financial support for school repairs, renovation, upgrades, and construction. 

  • It also must provide a means of addressing and equalizing the broad disparities inherent in the use of taxable value as the basis for revenue generation through infrastructure, career and technical education, special education, and enhancement millages.

  • Avoid funding through the use of competitive grants as another inherently inequitable practice.

  • Revenues must also be strong enough to make education an attractive profession so that shortages in all positions in the system can be addressed.  These shortages disproportionately impact those districts already impacted by other equity issues.  Seek to broaden the available employee base by revising certification regulations.

  • Eliminate unfunded mandates and onerous state reporting required by the Department of Education and legislature.

  • Require participation in the state retirement system for all public schools.

  • Remind legislators that despite creating level state support, not all districts receive the same foundation allowance and that remaining gaps must be eliminated between districts at the Minimum/Target foundation level and those districts remaining above that level.

A Cohesive, Comprehensive Educational System

Thoughtfully create an educational system that provides equity in opportunity and connected learning experiences for all students from birth through 20 years of age.  Among other things, such a system would:

  • Continue increasing preschool opportunities so that all students have a strong foundation for learning.

  • Address the need for flexibility in teacher certification throughout the system.

  • Provide no-cost dual enrollment for students from local school districts regardless of community college districting. 

  • Remove community college districting to increase opportunities for all Michigan students.

Clarification of the School Aid Fund's Purpose

Increase available revenues by returning the use of the School Aid Fund (SAF) to its original constitutional purpose.  Eliminate fiscal transfers from the School Aid Fund to non-instructional departments and programs and prevent any attempts to utilize public revenues to support private schools.  End the practice of diverting School Aid Fund revenues for higher education (including both universities and community colleges).

Eliminate Revenue Reductions

Ensure that tax revenue cuts do not occur without guaranteed replacement funding keeping school funding whole. Emphasize the need for consistent, thoughtful long-term fiscal policy that does not mortgage the future and does not rely on short-term gimmicks.

© 2024 School Equity Caucus


Phone: (269) 806-6159


School Equity Caucus

121 W. Allegan Street

Lansing, Michigan 48933

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